Michael G. Quirke, M.A.
Therapist, Coach, Porn Addiction Specialist

Struggling With Porn Addiction?
It's more common that you would think.
11% of American men and 3% of American women self-report that they consider themselves addicted to pornography
And every year, more and more smart, successful, good men come to me seeking help with their addiction to adult content.
As this problem has grown exponentially, I've been stunned to find out just how little qualified help and support there is out there.
When I began to look around in my own profession, it troubled me deeply to discover just how big of a problem this is. As if someone lifted a blindfold off of my face, I realized something awful. We in psychology were completely failing people who struggle with adult content.
Porn Addiction Is A Growing Problem
But despite this, most of my mental health colleagues had no idea what to do about it.
They saw addiction to adult content skyrocketing too.
But they didn't know where to point their own clients who needed help. Did you know that even in psychology, we don't even have a specific diagnosis for it!
That's how bad it is.
Over and over, I witnessed my clients bang their heads against the wall in their struggle to break free of their compulsion to use adult material. They tried going “cold turkey”. They tried fighting the urges. They tried apps and porn blockers. Those all failed.
And they cycled through feeling ashamed, helpless, scared and hooked.
Porn Addiction Makes Good Men Suffer
I'm Michael Quirke
For more than two decades, I've been a psychotherapist.
I've seen firsthand the damage porn addiction does.
During my years in practice, I've Witnessed So Many Men Try To Quit Porn and Fail...
And I Grew Sick Of It.
My clients reached out to people who didn't understand what a terrible struggle they were having. Or they got horrible advice from all sorts of well meaning strangers on Reddit, religious leaders, or coaches... who were actually struggling themselves.
Or they desperately hid their compulsive use and kept it a deep, dark, secret.
Or they tried to find groups to help them quit adult content.... But it didn't usually work.
The Misery Of Compulsive Porn Use Went On and On
As it did, I absolutely hated seeing the clients I care about gripped by a cycle of fear, frustration, shame and compulsion.
And so I became determined to bring all my skills to the table and do what I can to help men solve this problem.
And so I created “The Reset Method”. This comprehensive training will help you to not just overcome your adult content habit, but also help you gain control over your feelings, and overhaul your relationship

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Who I Work With:
👉🏻 Men Who Are Willing To Do What It Takes To Free Themselves of Adult Content Addiction
👉🏻 Men Who Need To Break This Habit Now
👉🏽 Men Whose Relationship Is Hanging By A Thread
👉🏽 Men Who Have Had Their Habit Exposed...And Need To Make Changes Now
👉🏿 Guys Who Have Been Unable To Stop Despite Wanting To Quit
👉🏿 Men Who Are So "Hooked", That They Are Having Trouble Funtioning With Their Real Life Partner
👉🏻 Men Whose Career And Professional Life Is Being Damaged By Porn
👉🏻 Men Who Are Sick Of The Uncontrollable Urges, The Compulsion and The Shame
👉🏽 Men Who Want Daily Community Support
👉🏽 Men Who Want Expert Guidance
Watch The Free Training Where I'll Show You Exactly How We're Going To Help You Kick The Porn Habit Once And For All.
Learn Exactly How I'm Going To Help You Kick The Porn Habit - Anonymously, And Permanantly.
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